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Mission Statement

The mission of Camp Transfiguration is to present to young people a living experience of the Holy Orthodox Faith, in their relationship with God and other campers in an uncluttered, natural environment. Translated to Greek, “transfiguration” becomes “metamorphosis” which literally means, “to change”.

Daily Program Schedule

Every year a new theme is chosen for Christian Education and is taught to the campers during morning program through interactive lessons. Afternoon program is the time where campers are both active and creative through activities and sports. The day concludes with evening program, a time for cabins to bond with one another through themed nights. 

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Services Offered at Camp

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At Camp Transfiguration, our main goal is to help campers come to the knowledge of the truth: Jesus Christ. Campers go to camp, just like the Apostles went to Mount Tabor, to see the transfigured Lord and, through that, to become transfigured themselves. Life at Camp T is a mixture of fellowship, fun and prayer. The fun time and fellowship we spend can be a means to get closer to God, however, prayer remains the nucleus that brings the whole experience together, gives it meaning and purpose.


During Camp, campers will experience Church services daily, in addition to small prayers before and after meals and other activities. Our Camp Chapel becomes our small Mount Tabor where we ascend to find the Lord and eventually go back to our parishes, cities and homes edified and energized to embrace the spiritual life to be purified and illumined. 

"And He saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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Mailing Address:

700 Ridgewood Ave

Ottawa, ON K1V 6N1

Tel: 613-276-8037

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© 2020 by Camp Transfiguration

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